1 |
2922 |
14 Karat, Anna Donet - 04/20/24 |
A |
2931 |
A Farewell Yodel, Georgia Rinaldi - 04/26/24 |
2671 |
Abatement, Reese Dorsey - 04/30/24 |
2881 |
All Too Well, Lauren Dugan - 06/01/24 |
2114 |
Allstar, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
1974 |
Allumination, Dennise V. Petronelli - 03/27/24 |
2791 |
Alpine Ben Venue, Marsha B. Herbert - 04/30/24 |
2532 |
Always A Brit, Marsha B. Herbert - 04/12/24 |
2890 |
Among The Stars, Delaney Taylor - 11/29/23 |
2464 |
Art of Motion, Michele Brown - 04/24/24 |
2894 |
Austyn, Riley E. Dardis - 02/14/24 |
B |
2900 |
Bailamos, Claddagh Manor Farm - 03/24/24 |
2759 |
Beam Me Up, Marsha B. Herbert - 12/05/23 |
2834 |
Beatrix, Allison Olmsted - 03/24/24 |
2941 |
Beautiful Michelle, Mike Keech - 05/10/24 |
2667 |
Belladonna, Peri Fitzpatrick - 02/19/24 |
2297 |
Best Intentions, Garrison Forest School - 07/31/24 |
2817 |
Beste In Show, Alexandra Panetta - 02/15/24 |
2668 |
Beste News, Catherine Conyngham - 03/28/24 |
2909 |
Bippy, Rachel Taffetani - 04/07/24 |
2742 |
Blue Horizon, Claddagh Manor Farm - 08/10/24 |
2832 |
Bright Star, Jennifer Martin - 01/14/24 |
2952 |
Brighton Heartbreaker, Garrison Forest School - 09/07/24 |
2935 |
Broccolini, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2885 |
Buckle Up, Karen Zinkhan - 02/18/24 |
2848 |
Bullseye Shooter, Grayson Arata - 07/07/24 |
2187 |
Burnin Luv, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
C |
2693 |
Candelaria, Hannah Kessler - 04/16/24 |
2940 |
Captivate, Karen Zinkhan - 05/07/24 |
2948 |
Carit DMZ, Garrison Forest School - 07/12/24 |
2872 |
Carlito, Netta Boker - 04/02/24 |
2675 |
Carlo, Claddagh Manor Farm - 04/25/24 |
2889 |
Casallina, Susanna Hardee - 11/27/23 |
2783 |
Castelli, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
2937 |
Champlain's Irish Cream, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2796 |
Charade, Selina Petronelli - 04/25/24 |
2880 |
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Brooke Sachs - 04/19/24 |
2117 |
Come What May, Maia Turkel - 02/01/24 |
2870 |
Cool Mint, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
2917 |
Coralita BC, Sophia Barrera - 04/14/24 |
2785 |
Count Fleetwood, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
2794 |
Cover Girl, Noelle Railey - 04/20/24 |
2916 |
Cruising Along, Raegan Naylor - 04/12/24 |
D |
2906 |
Dallop of Daisy, Kate McDermott - 04/02/24 |
2290 |
Dancing Barefoot, Laura Leroy - 02/18/24 |
2942 |
Dats Dats Dats, Mike Keech - 05/10/24 |
2903 |
De Novo, Jennifer L. Deardorff - 03/29/24 |
2681 |
DGS Iron Proof, Ellie Williams - 02/24/24 |
2923 |
Diva Espresso, Hannah Belt - 04/22/24 |
2944 |
Douggie E. Fraiche, Terry West - 05/11/24 |
2685 |
Dream Date, Marley A. Bunce - 03/25/24 |
2867 |
Drifter, Marsha B. Herbert - 04/11/24 |
E |
2819 |
E. S. Beckham 23, Allie McKinsey - 03/06/24 |
1877 |
Edgewood's Foxy Lady, Marsha B. Herbert - 04/12/24 |
2893 |
Eighty Eight West, Lindy Gutman - 01/26/24 |
2895 |
Electra, Riley E. Dardis - 02/14/24 |
F |
2628 |
Farnley Bow Tie, Garrison Forest School - 03/25/24 |
2918 |
Farnley High Tide, Kinley McAvoy - 04/17/24 |
1998 |
Fashionista, Garrison Forest School - 04/09/24 |
2930 |
Fine Time M, Frankie Randhawa - 04/26/24 |
2471 |
Finnegan, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
2920 |
Fort Boonesborough, Abigail Dannenfelser - 04/20/24 |
2911 |
Fox Creeks Antony Quinn, Yeardley Ackerman - 04/07/24 |
2905 |
Frostiron, Juliana Langlois - 03/30/24 |
G |
2734 |
Guess Again, Dennise V. Petronelli - 03/28/24 |
2167 |
Guinness, Stefany Overbeck - 04/27/24 |
H |
2530 |
Harlan, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
2951 |
HBF Black Tie Affair, Melissa Fetterolf - 09/05/24 |
2904 |
Heart of Gold, Aubrey Haeffner - 03/30/24 |
2902 |
HH Hadwin, Leigha Schrader - 03/25/24 |
2694 |
Hi Hopes Encore, Layla Hawthorne - 04/27/24 |
2488 |
Highlands Right Royal, Kara Listrani - 04/20/24 |
2837 |
HTS Kings Ransom, Sarah Howard - 03/23/24 |
I |
2719 |
Inside Scoop, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2740 |
Island Girl, Emily Dick - 05/04/24 |
J |
2300 |
James Bond, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2936 |
Jentle, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2478 |
Joey, Abigail Berman - 04/13/24 |
K |
2907 |
Kentucky Ter Doorn, Grace Hammer - 04/03/24 |
2913 |
Keynote, Garrison Forest School - 04/11/24 |
2768 |
Kismet, Elleri McKenrick - 04/09/24 |
L |
2945 |
Left Eye Lopez, Rachel Ige - 05/11/24 |
2950 |
Levitate, Bryce McNichol - 09/05/24 |
1894 |
Liberty, Dennise V. Petronelli - 07/13/24 |
2838 |
Liberty Lane, Abigail P. Howard - 02/23/24 |
2919 |
Life Of Riley, Jessica Tercero - 04/20/24 |
2938 |
Lil Levi, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2700 |
Loafer's Lodge Fay Fay, Kelleayn Lerch - 02/06/24 |
2921 |
Loafer's Lodge Sweet Romance, Melissa Fetterolf - 04/20/24 |
2715 |
Loafers Lodge Golden Goose, Melissa Fetterolf - 04/17/24 |
M |
2914 |
Macallan, Laura Leroy - 04/11/24 |
2341 |
Maddox, Victoria Roemer - 04/20/24 |
2193 |
Made You Look, Selina Petronelli - 04/25/24 |
2510 |
Mai Tai, Garrison Forest School - 04/04/24 |
2926 |
Maranatha Bristol Adlais, Hannah Belt - 04/23/24 |
2908 |
Maranatha Bristol Macalla, Bay Hammer - 04/03/24 |
2892 |
Master of Disguise, Ainsley Smith - 01/24/24 |
2933 |
Milky way, Hannah Belt - 04/27/24 |
2924 |
Moon Struck Show Girl, Noelle Railey - 04/20/24 |
2797 |
Moonlit Bay, Jenna Gillis - 02/15/24 |
2932 |
Mr. Cooley, Alyssa Sands - 04/27/24 |
2927 |
My First Wish, Claddagh Manor Farm - 04/25/24 |
N |
2899 |
Nemesis 11, Sarah Howard - 03/23/24 |
2946 |
Nike-Just Do It, Adelaide Thompson - 06/01/24 |
1912 |
Northern Classic, Marsha B. Herbert - 04/30/24 |
O |
2860 |
Old Springs Magic Man, Elsa C. Sheckells - 04/24/24 |
2928 |
Old Springs Miss Cool, McKayla DiMayo - 04/25/24 |
P |
2862 |
Paragon, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2789 |
Parlay, Garrison Forest School - 04/06/24 |
2887 |
Perseus YC, Garrison Forest School - 07/11/24 |
1949 |
Personal Magic, Marsha B. Herbert - 12/26/23 |
2777 |
Pistol Pete, Marsha B. Herbert - 04/30/24 |
2821 |
Punch Buggy, Streett Moore - 09/28/24 |
2749 |
Purple Rain, Laura Leroy - 02/18/24 |
Q |
2778 |
Quintessential, Dillon Dardis - 02/14/24 |
R |
2883 |
Radiance, Streett Moore - 04/27/24 |
2410 |
Ready About, Laura Leroy - 02/18/24 |
2925 |
Reason To Be, Kendall J. Ball - 04/23/24 |
2912 |
Rightupyouralley, Rena DiPaula - 04/09/24 |
2766 |
Ripken, Lauren Dugan - 04/01/24 |
2953 |
Riptide, Lynn Bowman - 09/28/24 |
2943 |
Robin Hood, Streett Moore - 05/11/24 |
2898 |
Rollingswood It Is What It Is, Aubrey McKinsey - 03/06/24 |
2949 |
RoseHill Bandit, Bay Hammer - 07/26/24 |
S |
2897 |
Say What, Laura Leroy - 02/18/24 |
2519 |
See Ya Soon, Reese Dorsey - 04/30/24 |
2934 |
Sevenhundredsundaes, Reese Dorsey - 04/30/24 |
2775 |
Severn Pins N Needles, Lizzy Wiggs - 03/25/24 |
2856 |
Shalimar, Karen Zinkhan - 05/09/24 |
2891 |
Sham's Huckleberry, Kelleayn Lerch - 01/24/24 |
2739 |
Side Proposal, Angie Amos - 06/14/24 |
2107 |
Sin City, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
2845 |
Slim Shady, Marina Miragliotta - 04/08/24 |
2947 |
Somethingintheair, Judy A. Schaefer - 07/08/24 |
2541 |
Sportscast, Streett Moore - 09/07/24 |
2836 |
Stonegate Angelo, Virginia Zickafoose - 03/17/24 |
2915 |
Sunbury, Laura Leroy - 04/11/24 |
2517 |
Sunshine Daydreams, Terri Wherley - 04/26/24 |
T |
2672 |
Take Achance On Me, Marsha B. Herbert - 04/04/24 |
2678 |
Talk Show Man, Lindy Gutman - 01/26/24 |
2511 |
Tangier, Emily B. Stollof - 06/09/24 |
2910 |
Thank You May, Kendall M. Paciolla - 04/07/24 |
2815 |
The Huntsman, Terri Wherley - 04/26/24 |
2929 |
Thrill Seeker, Lauren Weaver - 04/25/24 |
2696 |
Tinka's Lady, Allison Olmsted - 07/27/24 |
2939 |
Tristan Silver Dollar, Nina Zunt - 04/27/24 |
V |
1924 |
Vicarus, Claddagh Manor Farm - 09/26/24 |
2691 |
Vivell-C, Claddagh Manor Farm - 04/12/24 |
W |
1310 |
When In Rome, Matthew Payne - 04/20/24 |
2901 |
Whisper, Claddagh Manor Farm - 03/25/24 |
2896 |
Wind in the Willows, McKayla DiMayo - 02/18/24 |
2842 |
Windhover Limited Edition, Riley E. Dardis - 02/14/24 |
2346 |
Wish I May, Peri Fitzpatrick - 04/13/24 |